Updated 5/16/2019:
This pass still allows you to receive all of Season 01 (Chapters 01 through 07) premium content as it releases. However, Extra Stories are now available as a new option at an additional price of $0.99, 50% off the Free price. These stories are not required to progress or enjoy the originally planned main story chapters.
TTEOTS All Access Season 01 Pass -This version acts as a "Season Pass", enabling you to receive ALL future Season 01 content released for To the Edge of the Sky game without restriction.
[Note: This game is STILL in development and is as of yet, unfinished in its entirety. New chapters are still being added regularly and you may experience instability with saves. We do not release specific update dates. The game will update on its own.]
Enter the year 2077 and become Seven, the newest addition to Phantom Alpha, a secret team who operates under the enigmatic government organization known as P.H.A.N.T.A.S.M. After joining, you find yourself befriending the other rookie on the team, an incredibly skilled youth known as Zero. As you meet the other members, you quickly learn that while vastly talented, each of them is clearly much more than meets the eye.
Regardless of your differences, you quickly learn what Phantom Alpha can do. But together, you soon discover that on the other side of the radiant world of light, lies an equally dark world of shadow. Can you brave these worlds and trust the men by your side?
Dikemaskini 5/16/2019:
Pas ini masih membolehkan anda menerima semua kandungan premium Musim 01 (Bab 01 hingga 07) semasa ia dibebaskan. Walau bagaimanapun, Kisah-Kisah Tambahan kini boleh didapati sebagai pilihan baru dengan harga tambahan $ 0.99, 50% dari harga Percuma. Kisah-kisah ini tidak dikehendaki untuk maju atau menikmati bab-bab cerita utama yang telah dirancang.
TTEOTS All Access Season 01 Pass - Versi ini bertindak sebagai "Pass Season", membolehkan anda menerima SEMUA masa depan 01 Kandungan yang dikeluarkan untuk permainan Edge of the Sky tanpa batasan.
[Nota: Permainan ini masih dalam pembangunan dan masih belum selesai sepenuhnya. Bab baru masih ditambah secara kerap dan anda mungkin mengalami ketidakstabilan dengan menjimatkan. Kami tidak melepaskan tarikh kemas kini tertentu. Permainan akan dikemas kini dengan sendirinya.]
Masukkan tahun 2077 dan menjadi Tujuh, tambahan terbaru kepada Phantom Alpha, sebuah pasukan rahsia yang beroperasi di bawah organisasi pemerintah yang misterius yang dikenali sebagai P.H.A.N.T.A.S.M. Setelah menyertai, anda mendapati diri anda berkawan dengan rookie yang lain pada pasukan, seorang pemuda yang sangat mahir yang dikenali sebagai Zero. Apabila anda bertemu ahli-ahli lain, anda dengan cepat belajar bahawa walaupun sangat berbakat, masing-masing adalah lebih jelas daripada memenuhi mata.
Terlepas dari perbezaan anda, anda dengan cepat mengetahui apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh Phantom Alpha. Tetapi bersama-sama, anda tidak lama lagi mendapati bahawa di sisi lain cahaya dunia berseri, terletak dunia yang sama gelap bayang-bayang. Bolehkah anda berani dunia ini dan mempercayai lelaki di sebelah anda?
Updated 5/16/2019:
This pass still allows you to receive all of Season 01 (Chapters 01 through 07) premium content as it releases. However, Extra Stories are now available as a new option at an additional price of $0.99, 50% off the Free price. These stories are not required to progress or enjoy the originally planned main story chapters.
TTEOTS All Access Season 01 Pass -This version acts as a "Season Pass", enabling you to receive ALL future Season 01 content released for To the Edge of the Sky game without restriction.
[Note: This game is STILL in development and is as of yet, unfinished in its entirety. New chapters are still being added regularly and you may experience instability with saves. We do not release specific update dates. The game will update on its own.]
Enter the year 2077 and become Seven, the newest addition to Phantom Alpha, a secret team who operates under the enigmatic government organization known as P.H.A.N.T.A.S.M. After joining, you find yourself befriending the other rookie on the team, an incredibly skilled youth known as Zero. As you meet the other members, you quickly learn that while vastly talented, each of them is clearly much more than meets the eye.
Regardless of your differences, you quickly learn what Phantom Alpha can do. But together, you soon discover that on the other side of the radiant world of light, lies an equally dark world of shadow. Can you brave these worlds and trust the men by your side?